Central Israel chiropractic clinic
Diversified Manipulative Therapy
This therapy requires a high speed, low force thrust into a joint by the chiropractors hands. Considered a slightly more aggressive technique, it may not be suitable for some elderly patients or small children. Modification of the force used will occur depending on patient tolerance, as we make every effort to ensure maximum comfort of the patient while maintaining effectiveness. A small "click" may be heard during this manipulation, which is simply air coming into the joint from the surrounding space. At our initial (first visit) neurologic and orthopedic exam, we will determine if you are capable of receiving this treatment and in which areas of the spine and/or limbs. During our clinical training we had 1600 technique hours learning how, when, for whom, and where this technique is appropriate, and we specialize at determining such circumstances.

Disc Flexion/Distraction
One of the least invasive and extremely effective treatments used in clinics, with the appropriate equipment, around the world is this one. It has been proven to reduce disc herniation and bulging, while alleviating radiating pain into the legs long term, better than any conventional medicine out there- including painkillers! The table is simply lowered to a specific angle, as to take pressure off of the discs and allow absorption of water and vital nutrients to the area, while the chiropractor stabilizes the spine by placing a hand on your back. This procedure can also improve disc height to prevent degeneration of the damaged area in the future.

Drop Technique
This technique involves using a small drop, about 3 cm, combined with a light push from the chiropractors hands to mobilize a joint efficiently with no patient discomfort. It is considered safe for elderly and pregnant patients, as well as small children. In our office, drop technique is mostly utilized to treat the sacrum, pelvis and limbs.

The activator is a small device that sends a quick impulse into a joint that is lacking motion. It has the same affect on the body as manual adjusting, but requires no movement on the part of the patient. The device is placed on the spine, a small force is delivered with a click, and the patient feels only a slight push.

As well as in physical therapy, chiropractors use electric stimulation modalities to reduce muscle tension by sending a “massaging” signal into the muscle and telling the nerve to relax, while interfering with the sensation of pain. In different ways, these signals can also reduce swelling and improve muscle strength. This is used only in conjunction with another form of treatment/s above.

Percussive Muscle Therapy

Rehabilitive Exercises
These will be given in outlined form on the second visit, and explained in greater depth as well as demonstrated during the appropriate time in the treatment plan. Most exercises focus on postural muscles to allow for less daily stress on joints and accompanying musculature in the spine. One exercise is given at a time to ensure it's been fully understood.
It is extremely important to have compliance with the exercises as prescribed, therefore we make every effort to minimize inconvenience- ie. if the exercise is done laying down, we encourage it to be done prior to waking and going to bed. Any one of these recommendations will not take more than 2 minutes at a time.